What is God doing out of the Vineyard in Kenya?

Justice and Mercy.

If you want to know God’s heart, go where the poor and the lost are.

Edgar King.

Village Economic Empowerment

Good news of the Kingdom has to be good news to the poor. Part of addressing the economic injustice in our country is by finding ways to empower people create sources of income.


Rejesha project out of Renewal Church Nairobi, seeks to bring hope, love and dignity to the most vulnerable and broken sex workers in our city. As a team we go out on to the streets and share a meal and allow people to have a safe space to be seen and known. We want to extend love to those who otherwise are only ever loved for their bodies.


AJAR provides free legal representation to those who have been wrongly charged or convicted. It was founded as one of the social justice arms of Renewal Church, Nairobi, Kenya.

Joining God for the sake of our nation.

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